Loud music and frenetic dancing - not a place for a quiet chat.
There was frenetic dancing in the Iraq Room, harsh, mindless beats drawn from early millennium thrash bands like Noble Cause and Bushin'.
If anything, the Sylvie of old would have preferred a noisy wake, frenetic dancing, a bacchic rite.
The fearsome Oggun Arere leaped and twirled, carrying a machete; Oya, a woman in an iridescent gown, shifted from dignified turns to frenetic dancing with arms flung up.
Feeling the powerful bonds of their common South Africanism, the two groups were visibly moved by the frenetic dancing, dazzling dress and evocative Senegalese music that welcomed them to Senegal.
The vote by Community Board 3 was based in part on comments made by the bar's patrons: concerned residents discovered blog postings celebrating the Bulgarian Bar's loud music, late-night hours and frenetic dancing.
Boduberu songs begin with a slow beat, which eventually enters a frenetic crescendo accompanied by frenetic dancing.
The Barynya dance is an alternation of chastushkas and frenetic dancing.
Moby (Richard Melville Hall) arrived along with a drummer and a percussionist, and the music, most of it recorded, snapped into a fast, sputtering techno rhythm for frenetic dancing.
Under Communism there were few restaurants, and almost all were vast, dingy hotel dining rooms with hostile service, drab food, live (very loud) music and frenetic dancing.