Hollywood and Hitsville are often locked in a frenetic dance to exploit each other's art and dollars.
A frenetic dance of roboservants in the reception area - dartings here and there, cleaning, picking up litter, guiding newcomers.
The frenetic dance became known as the Tarantella.
Other frenetic dances such as the rhumba, cha-cha, or watusi, may be substituted.
Yerleroo clapped his hands and at once the fair-haired people leapt into a frenetic, senseless dance.
Behind the frenetic dance of lightning strikes, a sullen fire-shot glow was building in the ash cloud overhead.
A short frenetic dance that looked like celebration followed.
It seemed to him that the ship's disappearance had been followed by a longer than usual pause in the wormhole's frenetic dance of opening and closing.
Vif, passionné avec joie: A frenetic dance whose main theme is a fast variant of the "statue theme".
They have been dancing this frenetic dance since July.