The first seven minutes were like an air-hockey game - frenetic back-and-forth action, lots of shots and virtually no defense.
He concluded, "Terra Nova is an exceptional game that combines frenetic, fast-paced action with real-time squad-level tactics.
Gunroar was praised for its minimalist design, impressive polygonal graphics, and frenetic action.
This often allows for much more frenetic action to take place in the ring than would otherwise be possible under standard tag rules.
Foreman continues, "The rhythmic idea which followed the second subject returns and drives the music on over a great span of frenetic action.
But Fishbone's live shows still incite frenetic dance-floor action.
The little excitement is generated by the frenetic action and noise and by the audience's response.
I have always felt that there was something spiritual about sweeping, as opposed to scrubbing, mopping or scouring, which require aggressive, frenetic action.
Wired's Gus Mastrapa praised the beginning of the comic for "capturing the frenetic action of the first-person shooter".
The company has produced more than 30 works in which large casts, boisterous design and frenetic action have crowded small downtown stages.