It also served to connect those railroads for freight transfers, and is now controlled by CSX Corporation, the successor to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
The system would be based on "passive" technology, especially well suited to freight transfer as no power is needed on board, simply a chassis which glides to its destination.
The Gambione Family had soon taken the space over for storage of guns and other contraband, freight transfer, and occasional burials.
Prices dropped quickly both for passenger tickets and freight transfer.
A track built in 1887 crossed Court Street, connecting with the Little Miami Railroad's Eggleston Avenue Connection for freight transfer.
The freight transfer was concluded smoothly.
The newly amalgamated Southern Railway needed a group of powerful shunting tank locomotives to work in its marshalling yards around London and on freight transfers between them.
The M&GN suffered in the post-war period which saw much freight transfer to road and greater car ownership, leaving the line with its summer and schools traffic.
The Southern Railway also undertook freight transfer by road, owning a fleet of goods vehicles providing a door-to-door delivery service.
By 1860, he was working for wholesale grocers, for whom he handled freight transfers, especially dealing with railroads and steamboats.