Designed by two young Finnish architects, it is a small floating park set within the cargo hold of a rusting freight barge.
These services gradually declined and ended in 1975 except for a freight barge on Slocan Lake.
The freight barges were pulled by mules, which were changed every 4 to 6 hours.
FOR much of its length between West Germany's Black Forest and the Black Sea, the Danube is a waterway for sturdy freight barges.
Engineering miscalculations also contributed to the canal's failure as the canal was dug too shallow and too narrow for heavy freight barges.
I hitched myself out and was standing in the hold of a freight barge, on a catwalk.
On that strike, while attacking a freight barge carrying 40 tons of ammunition, Thomas' plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire.
Nakusp was also used to push freight barges.
In addition, the bill made improvements to Long Island Sound ports to facilitate its use for passenger ferries and freight barges.
You may have noticed an increase in the traffic of canoes and freight barges plying between here and the mainland, apparently carrying flowers and vegetables and such.