That is, an association with Canada is still wished for, but were it to fail, sovereignty would be economically viable because of the belief that Quebec could freely export to the U.S. market due to Canada's membership in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
We had a cold war strategy with the Japanese and Europeans that worked, making them bulwarks of democracy by letting them export freely to our markets even while their own were closed.
He sought permission from the king's Privy Council to freely export provisions to the colony, claiming the colonists were in dire straits due to a shortage of provisions and threats from Native Americans.
Iraq owes Russia billions, which it would be able to repay if it were able to freely export its oil.
Bowing to law enforcement concerns about terrorists and drug cartels using strong data-scrambling technology to conceal their crimes, the Administration has refused to let American companies freely export strong encryption.
In a policy announced last fall, the Clinton Administration announced that it would allow American companies to freely export cryptography that used "keys" up to 40 bits in length.
I am not making this request as a matter of principle but because it is the only way of ensuring that all those companies that have been making great efforts to update their business and become competitive are able to export freely and thus ensure their survival.
The Administration has been eager to close what it considered a loophole in foreign export controls that permits companies outside the United States to freely export mass-market programs like Internet browsers, which in the United States routinely use 128-bit encryption to protect financial transactions.
Because most of the Japanese capacity is going to be in Britain, Ford could find itself swamped with Japanese competition in its main European market if those plants cannot export freely to the Continent.