He donated freely to repay debts of other people or to help those who were in trouble over payments to be made to the royal exchequer.
He donated freely for social requirements.
The fund, which consumers can freely donate to, is open to help cover the costs of developers creating open-source software for the system.
Gey freely donated both the cells and the tools and processes his lab developed to any scientist requesting them, simply for the benefit of science.
The right of a worker to receive a paid day off for freely donating blood, however, was enshrined in Italian law.
The Boyces also donated freely to a number of local charities.
He first gave the impression that he might freely donate his collection to Spain, and got the government to build the facilities to house the artworks.
He donated freely to African-American charities in Chicago, asking the wealthy to follow his example.
Or you might emulate yesterday's intake who, so sympathetic to my problem, freely donated one buck each towards my fang fund.
Since health data is restricted and expensive, this project provides people the opportunity to freely donate information that can only positively benefit medicine and patients at large.