The play, he added, has "a long history of being adapted freely."
"The Woman in White" is not easy to stage, even when freely adapted.
Data depicted here are freely adapted from Kantsler et al.
The above text is in part adapted freely from the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1908.
As in many other works by Busoni, it is compiled from transcribed, freely adapted, and original music.
Bancroft, however, decided not to stage the play, giving Burnand more license to freely adapt it.
The Aussies picked up speed over the years, but - as seen below - they still freely adapt American shows.
He wrote a total of twelve plays, in which he adapted freely from Molière and others.
The Romanesque appearance has been achieved while freely adapting an overall style to suit the function of the building.
It moved back to its original home after the rebuilding in freely adapted baroque forms was finally completed in 1955.