The academic freedom of C-K's teaching centers flourished only under her shadow.
If the Middle East remains a place where freedom does not flourish, it will remain a place of stagnation and anger and violence for export.
In light of all this, Rousseau argues that, like his native Geneva, small city-states are the form of nation in which freedom can best flourish.
But there is another - neither religious nor secular freedoms will flourish where one is denied.
Through an increased standard of living and economic freedom, individual freedom will flourish.
Democratic freedoms cannot flourish unless our hemisphere also builds a prosperity whose benefits are widely shared.
Europeans would never discover science, never build the high technology that al- lowed democracies and human freedom to flourish.
May it be said above all: We kept the faith, freedom flourished, liberty lived.
Print media are enjoying a period of freedom under the current government, and freedom of speech is, for the most part, flourishing.
He genuinely believed that freedom could not flourish unless biblical law formed the foundation of society.