Those companies and their workers require a relatively stable free-market system to thrive.
Both institutions, the most powerful players in the aid arena, have demanded substantial economic movement toward free-market systems in nations that seek their help.
Poland's advanced state of dissent, according to the author, is what accounts for its being in the vanguard of transition to a healthy free-market system.
This document, like previous ones, lashed out at the inequities of an unbridled free-market system.
Under the current free-market system, which the players want to keep, they are getting about 58 percent of projected revenues.
"Too many economists," he said, "are basically astronomers, admiring our wonderful free-market system, or weathermen, predicting what the economy is going to do."
Surely part of the answer is that the unrestrained free-market system that America has developed forces workers to relocate often to find and keep jobs.
Bush's vaunted free-market system won't work here: * There aren't enough vacancies in nursing homes for the elderly to have a genuine choice.
The players steadfastly have refused to discuss a cap, preferring to keep the present free-market system to set salaries.
The owners want to change the current free-market system and implement a salary cap.