President Clinton's health-care reform was to have balanced regulation and free-market competition.
But the financing remains murky, and the whole plan depends on extremely optimistic assumptions about the savings that can be achieved through a combination of Government regulation and free-market competition.
But, as a recent study by the political scientist Oliver Schlumberger shows, reform did not, for the most part, aim at introducing genuine free-market competition, the most important feature of a healthy capitalist system.
President Clinton's health-care initiative was to have been a delicate balance between Government regulation and free-market competition.
Republicans in the State Senate have been pushing to largely deregulate the resale of tickets, saying that would encourage more brokers to enter the business and thereby drive the ticket prices down through free-market competition.
In keeping with its amended Constitution, the Algerian Government espouses participatory democracy and free-market competition.
The Moscow branch of the accounting and consulting firm is helping Ilyushin prepare itself for free-market competition.
"It's really a Government monopoly and this will provide some healthy free-market competition," she said.
Mr. Giuliani, who is campaigning on a platform of cutting city spending and taxes, has also underscored a personal philosophy that precludes the use of economic incentives to promote social advancement at the expense of government efficiency and free-market competition.
Unlike many economists and Republican politicians, he has never seen free-market competition as a cure for the ills of the nation's health care system.