Although published as fiction, the book is actually a memoir written in a free-form style similar to Henry Miller's Tropic series.
David's comedy, a free-form conversational style featuring characters, stories, one-liners and social comment, has been seen at many venues worldwide.
Instead it follows a free-form style, consisting entirely of location shoots, constant improvisation and it often changes course unexpectedly.
The sandbox analogy represents the free-form style of playing, where the player is free to develop the game however he/she chooses.
Modeling her free-form style of dance and costume after Greek classicism, she rapidly acquires international acclaim.
There are also free-form styles including, among others, the tonás, saetas, malagueñas, tarantos, and some types of fandangos.
Dancing is something that Megan started doing as a teen with her friends just a simple free-form style.
But members of his committee complain about his free-form style, saying that he often pushes his own agenda rather than building a consensus.
Morrowind was designed with an open-ended free-form style of gameplay in mind, with less of an emphasis on the game's main plot than its predecessors.
Others said they hated to see the station lose its free-form style.