It is a free professional resource that most companies have to help employees deal with issues like stress and depression.
As of the 28 January 2013 more than 575,000 free resources have been uploaded by teachers.
There are some less comprehensive - but still useful - free online resources though.
A list of free and commercial online resources is at
Their site, started as a free resource about 18 months ago, now charges each performer $99 for a year of time on line.
The Federal government provides free resources to get you the help you need.
The administration, school board and teachers' union prioritized free resources to improve student success over local control.
Instead, they serve as an informal, neutral and free resource.
These free online resources now provide invaluable services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for patients across the country and around the world.
There are great free resources on the web, too.