Although it's often called "low-cost", it provides full service, like free refreshments, newspapers, baggage, etc.
The free lecture, analyzing his humor in the light of recent research, will be followed by free refreshments.
There is no admission charge, and listeners will be offered free refreshments while the judges are deliberating (443-2876).
Local merchants provide free refreshments, and treat bags will be provided for pets and people.
Breakfast is left in a bag outside your door, and there are free refreshments available in the lobby.
The owner of a nearby bodega offered free refreshments.
Second Wind will provide music, and there will be free refreshments.
Passengers pay a £20 upgrade to sit in a larger first-class-style seat and receive free refreshments.
Patriotic music, free refreshments and balloons will accompany the festivities.
Literally a feast, as Caesar served free refreshments during the intervals.