The economic reforms included "a tough monetary and financial policy" and freeing prices.
But as a result of delays in freeing prices, Moscow has had to dip into its food reserves over the last two weeks, he said.
Ukraine obliged by freeing prices, bringing down its deficit and lowering inflation.
But it can't be done by suddenly freeing prices, which would bring social disaster.
Some economists, even in Poland, are saying it would be better to end state-owned monopolies and create competition before freeing prices.
Freeing prices without raising wages, they said, would be disastrous.
In addition, Czechoslovak officials say they want to allow more imports, to increase competition from abroad, before freeing prices.
Before there is competition, freeing prices would only bloat the monopolies' deadening control.
It is also unclear how long China's leaders will stall decisions on economic changes, especially in such areas as freeing prices and expanding stock ownership.
However, a further plank in the government's economic reform policy - freeing prices - came under attack from the trade unions.