Midtown's best offering is for registered customers: $20 of free merchandise for every $100 spent.
It functions with the typical direct sales model using party plan marketing, offering incentive trips and the earning of free merchandise.
Gabriel pulled out a notepad and wrote "Good for $10.00 free merchandise.
When certain quantities or products have been bought, customers get either free merchandise or cash rebates.
Among the benefits he expects to see are offers of coupons or free merchandise for customers who use their cards often.
The lore here can turn every field, forest, swamp, vacant lot and roadside into a health-food market with free merchandise.
At Rutgers the other day, several young men noted that the credit card solicitors gave free merchandise merely for filling out an application.
The main difference between the offers is how many others must be signed up for the main participant to receive the "free" merchandise.
In exchange, they received free merchandise, including a Zune.
Factories often will give you a case or two of free merchandise for a "charitable" reason.