But among adamant free marketers, the dream of upending Social Security lived on.
Is airline deregulation, supernova in the free marketers' firmament, burning out?
The free marketers speak favorably of you because they fear the Communists.
This argument is supported by mainstream economists, not just free marketers.
Interest rates, taxes and monetary policy - assigned key roles by free marketers - are secondary, he said.
Would he describe himself as a free marketer?
Local institutions should be enlisted, not ignored, as the free marketers so often do.
But at the same time he has vigorously asserted that he is not an ideological free marketer.
In the Bush Administration, the lingering tensions between the free marketers and the technology planners soon exploded.
Ironically, the regulatory initiative least likely to offend the sensibilities of free marketers is coming from the folks who brought you the Clinton plan.