The Congresswoman also maintains that she used free mailings only for the purpose for which they were intended, to keep her constituency informed.
Within two years, however, Congress began to make exceptions to this ban, including free mailing of the Congressional Record, seeds, and agricultural reports.
Indeed, some academics consider free mailings as giving incumbents a big advantage over challengers.
The House negotiators said they knew members really wanted their free mailings, and they ignored the advice.
The majority of Senate negotiators went along with continuing the free mailings, although no formal vote was taken after the direction of the conference became clear.
The Postal Service now estimates that this election year, the House will spend a record $79 million on free mailings to constituents.
Congress made the rules, including ones about free mailings.
Another proposal tentatively approved would reduce Congressional funds for free mailings, which critics say give incumbents leverage over their opposition.
The only public debate on Capitol Hill involving any of these campaign issues has been over rules guiding free mailings by members of Congress.
We also demanded limitation on free mailings by incumbents and more thorough controls on the soft money loophole.