Counting Time: a brief history of the 24-hour clock (free e-book)
The link leads to an entire free e-Book of an early edition.
Over 2 million free e-books were available between July 4 and August 4 in 2009.
They could have saved a lot of money by giving them away as free e-books.
A number of her works are available as free e-books.
It is widely available today as a free e-book from numerous sites, and it has also been reprinted in a paperback edition.
Why not libraries with free e-books?
It is also available as a free e-book from Jambô's website.
Once you've downloaded it, however, you'll have access to Apple's iBookstore, including more than 18,000 free e-books.
His first novel I Got You Babe which is a free e-book.