And here was some damned company trying to make money by causing lovely freckle-faced girls to feel bad about their natural look.
"That's my best friend," she said, showing a photo of herself standing in a tight embrace with a freckle-faced red-headed girl.
I would look in the mirror and say why am I seeing a freckle-faced Caucasian girl?
A double page spread of the freckle-faced girl with those pigtails flying shows her mischievous delight.
A little freckle-faced girl stood up and asked politely, "What will your first story be about, sir?"
Denise Hyland was a tall, freckle-faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile.
They belonged to a small freckle-faced girl who was about twelve years old, by Ro's reckoning.
Then she saw the freckle-faced girl headed her way.
A freckle-faced girl named Brenda lingered near us, trying to start a conversation with Dewayne.
As for the children, they are "the freckle-faced girl sitting confidently astride her pony, Macaroni" and her brother John, "the tousle-haired scamp."