Mr. Filatro, who had spent long hours since Friday calming frazzled parents, said that he had taken hundreds of calls, including one to his home at 2 A.M. on Saturday.
Her first-name familiarity with limousine drivers is one indication of Dr. Rimm's growing celebrity in a highly competitive business: dispensing reassuring advice on child rearing to frazzled parents.
The controversy is being played out in medical journals, at conferences and, for the frazzled parents, in books written for the layman.
Station wagons were big enough for everybody, with the possible exception of frazzled parents.
The following morning we ate pancakes and fresh fruit with our fellow guests who included nine excited Girl Scouts accompanied by several frazzled parents.
A very civilised Cotswolds hotel, where just one night can work wonders for frazzled parents.
Even if the device ($15.95 from 877-847-6366) didn't balance out the 20 pounds it promised to, for frazzled parents, every bit of added ballast counts.
For frazzled parents and grandparent looking for the right gift for tots, Fidelity Investments set up a "Precious Metals Gift Program."
The debate rages among frazzled parents and educators over the right age to start teaching a child to type - over when the physical and mental skills are primed and ready.
To be sure, having your little bundle of joy morph into a little one who is wailing, bawling, and red-faced is nerve-wracking for frazzled parents.