In 2007, a former Canadian bureaucrat pleaded guilty to selling at least 10 fraudulent passports to individuals overseas.
Townley himself flew to the U.S. on a fraudulent Chilean passport and under another assumed name.
He had overstayed his visa, lacked the proper government permissions to travel, and was holding a fraudulent Somali passport.
Mr. Weiss noted that his client had been in prison for traveling on a fraudulent passport when the bombing occurred.
Instead, he embarked on an audacious terrorist marathon around the globe, Federal officials said, using more than dozen aliases and fraudulent passports.
A seventh is being held for resisting a search of his apartment and possessing five fraudulent passports.
He was arrested during a 1987 visit to Washington, posted $1 million in bail, and returned to Greece using a fraudulent passport.
In 1994, he attempted travel to the United States but was turned back in Iceland on account of his fraudulent passport.
Poor economic conditions and the ease with which fraudulent passports, identity cards, and birth certificates can be obtained create favorable conditions for human trafficking.
In February 2011, Cara was detained by Immigration officials who found out she was traveling on a fraudulent passport.