An employee who knowingly accepts fraudulent documentation can also be criminally prosecuted under other immigration laws.
The London address turned out to be a post box at a newsagents just for delivery of mail and allegedly again had been opened with fraudulent documentation.
"We recognize that the current system is subject to abuse with fraudulent documentation," said Randel Johnson, the chamber's vice president for labor, immigration and employee benefits.
The commission found that even those clerks not involved in conspiracies to provide people with fake documents had not had any special training in detecting fraudulent documentation.
They were subsequently arrested and charged with possessing fraudulent Venezuelan documentation.
Trafficking offenders use fraudulent documentation to facilitate the movement of foreign victims.
The brokers provided fraudulent documentation on the loans which were all beyond the ability of the new homeowners to pay given their modest incomes.
The mayor says the claim is based on fraudulent documentation, and the nation's Supreme Court has declined to hear the city's appeal.
Another programme, Sherlock, is generating a mutual understanding on how to deal with fraudulent documentation.
On August 1, Hanjour and Almihdhar returned to Falls Church to obtain fraudulent documentation at a 7-Eleven convenience store where an illegal side business operated for such a service.