It said thieves used victims' identities to open fraudulent accounts and then used those accounts, for example, to launder money.
Sam has finally discovered the extent of Carl's fraud and finds that $4 million has been placed in fraudulent accounts under the name of "Rita Miller."
The information provider also may not sell or transfer the debt that relates to the fraudulent account to anyone else who would try to collect it.
God bless that stewardess for her piously fraudulent account of January voyages!
Don't delay in correcting your records and contacting all companies that opened fraudulent accounts.
Confronted with the evidence of her crime - the tobacco purchase and the fraudulent account - Luella broke down and confessed.
Indian police arrest 16 people in a case where more than US$400,000 was transferred from Citibank accounts to fraudulent accounts in India.
The victims were initially contacted on Skype and then lured to the fraudulent accounts.
These spammers can utilize the social network's search tools to target certain demographic segments, or use common fan pages or groups to send notes from fraudulent accounts.
I suppose that logging on fraudulent accounts and then conducting an act known as feedback bombing does not violate the user agreement.