And here I thought you were just a small-time hijacker and fraud artist.
In reality she is an accomplished fraud artist with an extensive criminal record, several aliases, and a number of previous marriages which were never dissolved.
For the most part, the objective of the fraud artists is to collect on fake personal injuries.
Internet security experts have long known that simple passwords do not fully defend online bank accounts from determined fraud artists.
In fact, perhaps as many as a million e-mails were sent out by the fraud artists within a very short time, experts said.
The very presence of any such technology may weed out faint-hearted fraud artists unprepared to tussle with the computer.
Fake checks have been the stock in trade of online fraud artists for years.
Despite the arrests, however, the schemes often do not involve attempts by the fraud artists to cash the postal money orders.
Many fraud artists will use a name that sounds good or is similar to that of a respected charity.
So, is the crisis about underperforming fraud artists, or insolvency?