She threw herself into frantic preparations for the journey.
But on Friday, it was a scene of frantic preparation for what some are calling a revolutionary change in the Russian legal system.
Somehow, despite the frantic preparations of the past weeks, she hadn't really realized how close they were to leaving Asterion.
Sometimes, he said, he is asked to pick up a course at the last minute, which means frantic preparation.
Two dozen of Tony's paintings were being hung on the walls in frantic, last-minute preparation for the opening.
Our frantic preparation had for light only the flames from Eburacum.
The next few weeks were filled with frantic preparations for the wedding.
The frantic preparations the constable and his men had been making the last few days seemed to pay off.
Just then, a couple of teenage boys poked their heads in the door and checked out the frantic preparations.
Meanwhile, there were frantic preparations for the next major project: the assault on France.