They were pouring through it as the fugitives from the forest rounded the south angle and reeled into the gate, a heaving, frantic mob, half-dead from exhaustion.
It quickly collapsed, its supports demolished by the frantic mob.
The scene on theTeshBridgewas much the same - the frantic mob trying to turn back upon itself, the bridge dissolving beneath them into a rain of stone and mortar.
And the finch migration in spring, the frantic mobs of fluttering, chirping, yellow thousands come and gone in the cedars within a single hour of daylight.
Early in 1793 her aged father was imprisoned at Amiens; a few months later she herself was dragged from her home by a frantic mob, all in the name of Liberty.
The spiders bounded down the Proteus's hull in a frantic mob as the gap of empty space between the two ships widened.
A frantic mob burned a rookery belonging to a wealthy grain merchant, and then milled through the streets, stoning all birds and killing three of the sacred black swans before being dispersed.
The Chili was more than half emptied now but the spaces near the interchange were still jammed with frantic mobs.
What she encountered after the officer whisked her through a frantic mob of escaping passengers is something Mrs. Giblin, the first medically trained person to arrive at the scene, is having difficulty making sense of.
They'd be sophisticated individual travelers, like the Japanese and Malays and Turks, who avoided frantic mobs and snickered at the gaucheries of first-generation tourists.