He sets off on a frantic hunt for Sharada.
The failure forced the President and the House leadership into a frantic hunt for at least eight votes.
This frantic hunt for permanent workers is further evidence of a paradox that plagues Cape Cod.
Miss Eltham slipped out in the confusion, and joined with the rest of us in that frantic hunt.
The frantic hunt for fabled authors has raised concerns not only among some television executives, but publishers as well.
Many factors are driving compensation upward, including the frantic hunt for talent accelerated by increasingly rapid turnover of chief executives.
It had become a dangerous, frantic hunt for the one means, however questionable, by which they might stay alive in this savage land.
A frantic hunt was made under the water in case the boot had fallen into the stream.
There was also a frantic hunt on for jobs this week, as displaced aides wandered the halls leaving their resumes.
Yet the federal, state and local officials who had failed to round up buses in advance were now in a frantic hunt.