Finally, dealers have used their muscle in state capitals to strengthen franchise laws.
Despite lobbying by automakers, dealers have already persuaded at least five states this year to tighten franchise laws even further.
In 1986 he helped write model standards for franchise law and was a delegate to a White House conference on small business.
These rights included a stable constitution, a fair franchise law, an independent judiciary, and a better educational system.
In essence, local car dealers have been able to create and maintain geographic oligopolies through the use of franchise laws.
The legislature also passed the "franchise law," which barred ex-Confederates from voting.
Thus, she steps over the fact that we have a political history - and a body of franchise law - in which race has always mattered.
They demanded a stable constitution, a fair franchise law, an independent judiciary, a better educational system, etc.
Since the 1929 election several changes had been made to the franchise laws.
The voting rights were based on existing franchise laws in each of the States.