The framework uses 3-level fair value hierarchy to reflect the level of judgment involved in estimating fair values.
To remove the complications of trying to test software (that needs to be integrated) through a web server this framework uses the command line interface.
Moreover, the kind of people who use Rails certainly wouldn't stump up $595 to read a report on which framework to use.
Some frameworks and software products use xml configuration files to register subscribers.
The framework we set up for it five years ago isn't the same one we'd use today, but changing it seems to be a monumental task.
The diversity action plan and framework used by the Cabinet Office.
The framework uses reflection rather than code generation.
These frameworks use actions that do the required processing, and then "push" the data to the view layer to render the results.
Many modern frameworks use a convention over configuration approach.
The framework of hoops used to support cladding over a boiler.