A light burned in the small window of a tiny frame cottage that had long ago been somebody's simple home.
Three years later, he moved to a modest frame cottage on Baronne Street.
Johanson pulled up in front of a ramshackle frame cottage.
To the north are the small surviving wood frame cottages along the two streets.
The new project cost more than $400,000 and added about 1,000 square feet to the original 800-square-foot, two-story white frame cottage.
Ahead of him was a two-story frame cottage, dark from cellar to roof except for a single dim light on the top floor.
The first group of one-story frame cottages, meant for the coke oven workers, was finished in 1901.
They are after the type of the inconvenient frame cottages found in the poorer suburbs twenty years ago.
An alley alongside led to a frame cottage in the rear.
It was built about 1885, and is a two story Victorian-era frame cottage.