Local authorities across the country had hoped to save money by cutting or freezing the rates paid to privately run care homes to house frail residents.
But in many cases, critics charge, the cuts are endangering the county's frailest residents.
It also means that a care assistant is likely to see frailer residents than used to be the case.
Emergency calls for assistance for frail residents could strain services and lead to higher taxes, critics say.
And Mr. Bloomberg said city agencies were checking on those frail residents it knew through various programs.
Or that lonely, frail, elderly residents would wait out their lives sitting on benches along Broadway?
Assisted living is designed for frail elderly residents who need meals and some assistance with daily tasks.
The project was established in response to a critical need for effective legal assistance for frail, elderly residents of nursing homes.
Virtuoso - a frail resident of an old peoples' home claims her hands are possessed by some other force.
He said he was upset by the sudden decision to relocate the frail and elderly residents of the nursing home.