They already do - discharge frail elderly people home early with no/inadequate support.
There are exercises which even frail people can do.
They lined up early, many of them frail people in their 80's and even 90's, to vote.
Home care programs have allowed many physically frail older people to avoid nursing homes.
I looked at the chairs, imagining two frail people tied to them all day.
You must always remember that it's been a fairly small percentage of the frail elderly people who've actually ever had to go into homes.
There were adults, frail old people, children all the way down to babies in arms.
Then up to 50 percent of these frail people suffer serious falls each year in the institution.
In some cases, moving frail and elderly people may actually cause more harm than good.
We have a growing problem of frail elderly people in hospital longer than they should be.