"They shouted, 'And how is our frail old lady doing?"'
And the frail lady moved about with a vigor that would have been prising Ila a young man.
Some of the dogs do a little pulling, so to a frail lady we wouldn't give a big dog.
She was a small, frail old lady in her late seventies with remarkably clear, unwrinkled skin and wide blue eyes.
Joyce was depending on that frail old lady to keep her alive.
She sees a frail, confused old lady regretting many of her actions.
A frail old lady staring pointedly at the heavyweight union boss.
I guess it's to protect our frail ladies from sordid cases like Tom's.
This is a love story about a frail 81-year-old lady and the robust, 26-year-old woman who looks after her.
It looked very much like a frail old lady in a mob cap.