They are shrubs producing masses of brightly coloured, pea-like flowers, often highly fragrant.
She was idly pulling the red petals of a snowflower and letting them drop onto the fragrant shrubs far below.
John Fiala, whose work with these fragrant shrubs spans 40 years.
The fragrant white to light pink flowers on this 6- to 12-foot-tall shrub open during "pinkster," the Dutch word for the period following Easter.
In colloquial use however, the term (see Boegoe) is applied to a wider set of fragrant shrubs or substitutes.
Plan to plant fragrant winter-flowering shrubs in parts of the garden which are dull in winter.
This particularly fragrant shrub grows up to two metres tall, though most often it is around one metre tall and wide.
A fragrant shrub usually seen around 1 metre high with corky bark and slender wiry stems.
Compared with the older rose classes known in Europe, the Chinese roses had less fragrant, smaller blooms carried over twiggier, more cold-sensitive shrubs.
Originally called Heptacodium jasminoides, this fragrant shrub is a member of the honeysuckle family.