Instead, these borrowings are only fragmentary references to theoretical works from which ethnomethodology has appropriated theoretical ideas for the expressed purposes of 'doing' ethnomethodological investigations.
He discovered fragmentary references to earlier positronic experiments, and these led him to the discovery of where the remains of those earlier models had been stored.
Our knowledge of Yue speech is limited to fragmentary references and possible loanwords in other languages, principally Chinese.
Pausanias records that the poem was "written about women"; fewer than a dozen other fragmentary references give indications as to the content, but they tend to suggest that the content was largely genealogical.
They all become more meaningful, it seems to me, if one looks at the Simplification as a rebellion by a created servant species against the original creator species, as the fragmentary reference suggests.
Other conversations appear more ambiguous, containing only fragmentary references to military programs.
There is no comprehensive account of his life and career, which must be reconstructed from fragmentary references.
There are only fragmentary references now to OPTEL on the open Web.
The Enterprise computer had held only fragmentary references to its mythos, courtesy of a summary in an anthropological text discovered in the ruins of Promellia.
Books 14 and 15 (all fragments) also contain fragmentary references to Laelius in Africa.