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Suddenly, the fragile-looking woman stretched out her arm toward the back of the shelter, obviously trying to prevent a fall.
Miss Johnson, a fragile-looking woman who stood about 4 feet 10 inches, began her career in education as a first-grade teacher in Oklahoma.
The man who had offered the seat had seen Ianthe as a tall fragile-looking woman in a pretty blue hat that matched her eyes.
The old woman, thin and fragile-looking, was curled up in the corner, sleeping with the light sleep of the very aged.
Addie, a beautiful, fragile-looking woman who conveys a sense of profound sadness, says she had been involved with Crawley for a few years.
Between them is Lisa's mother, a petite, fragile-looking woman with short gray hair.
Addie Coleman, a fragile-looking woman with two children, also went shopping for a new car in 1995, visiting a local Pontiac dealer.
But the fragile-looking woman with expressive blue eyes has a history of chronic mental illness going back to early childhood.
Rashida Begum, 18, a fragile-looking woman who has returned to the factory though an injured right hip prevents her from walking easily, was living nearby.
From a recessed doorway, the nurse, a fragile-looking woman with hair the color of pa sun watched and waited as he lumbered down the hallway.