The grounding of three cargo ships on the coral reefs off the Florida Keys has led to an agreement by 15 of the nation's largest oil companies to keep their tankers six miles from the fragile reefs.
Swimming underwater in eerie solitude, searching for body parts and other helpful clues, Anna mourns the destruction of the fragile reefs in the undersea park.
Driven by wind and tide, the waves burst on the fragile reef surrounding the narrow strand of bone-white beach, and then closed ranks on the other side, marching on for hundreds of miles before making the next landfall.
"Bottomfeeder," Taras Grescoe's new book about ethical strategies for eating seafood, paints a grim picture of an ocean ecology periodically devastated by culinary trends: Chilean sea bass, cod, and monkfish have all been affected by overfishing and dangerous fishing practices that harm fragile reefs and ocean bottoms.
In places like the Florida Keys, where fragile reefs and fertile wetlands abound, water scooters are under increasing scrutiny for the damage they - or the access they provide - can cause.