Yes, he says, it is a slow and fragile process that makes many Westerners impatient.
And that was a fragile process.
It is expected to place serious new strains on the country's fragile democratic process and to serve as a crucial test of the long-term chances for peace.
It's an extremely fragile process.
Most of it is far too cold and empty to sustain the intricate and fragile processes of life.
Environmental impact statements, community board recommendations and class-action lawsuits have made the approval of public works a greatly attenuated, increasingly fragile process.
Israel's settlement policies and unwillingness to implement signed agreements have cast doubt on this fragile process.
For now it is a fragile process and we need to nurture it.
Interfering with this fragile process would give the Taliban and their anti-Western Pakistani patrons a second chance.
We also, however, saw how fragile the democratic process can be, with people whispering 'please don't go!' to us as we left the polling stations.