She stood now in a simmer of prim impatience while her Prime rearranged fragile limbs in their closest approximation of comfort amid the quilts.
I flapped my wings, struggling to break away, and the sticky thread tightened around fluttering wing and fragile limb, and could not be broken.
If North-South had known how far out on a fragile limb their opponents were, they would have doubled and collected 1,100.
The white limb, small and seemingly fragile like all of her parts, fell to the paved floor with her heavy sword.
I marveled all over again at the pale, translucent skin, the feathery cap of down with its eloquently mobile crest, the fragile limbs and heavy chest.
How innocent she appeared, almost childlike, fragile limbs relaxed, moist lips slightly parted.
In cutting his deal with the FBI, he had just shimmied out onto the most fragile limb in the world and LuAnn was three hours late.
He grunted as he freed an arm, turned, springing high to land on fragile limbs.
Somehow that thought seemed to loosen my limbs a little-to think of her as human, as limited, confined, fragile even.
Like many of her fellow students, she has successfully stepped out on a fragile limb of invention.