They wonder if hordes of tourists are any better for fragile land than herds of cattle.
America has no shortage of cows, so, park supporters argue, why let them wander through some of the most fragile land in the country?
The worry is that the fragile land cannot support such massive, forced growth.
The use of honeypots can protect fragile land away from major cities while satisfying tourists.
The two cases being heard today, both out of Michigan, are challenges by developers who want to build on environmentally fragile lands.
Other fragile lands are also at risk.
Water must be under public control, he declared, since private exploitation would ruin these fragile lands for all time.
As Africa's populations increased dramatically on ever more fragile and less usable land, traditional farming methods were not able to keep pace.
We live in a fragile land; we know that our ways will allow at least some of us to survive; don't ask us to change.
A program to encourage farmers not to develop environmentally fragile land was renewed, as were food stamp and nutrition programs.