And then, to add one more stress to the fractured family, Ms. Brown's stepfather died in 1996 at age 43.
With so many fractured families, mentoring was more crucial than ever before.
Programs addressed to the manifestations of the central problem, the fractured family, rarely fulfill the hopes with which they are begun.
He added that he did not know for sure because of his fractured family situation.
The case has focused national attention on the state's child welfare system and the fractured and troubled families it is supposed to help.
Now this unexceptionally fractured American family was being brought together by a bar mitzvah.
The dispute, which spilled into the media, again threw a spotlight on a fractured family that has only the Picasso legacy in common.
Judd, the youngest son, narrates the novel, looking back as an adult on his fractured family.
Caring for a fractured family is no simple task, and money troubles only added to the stress.
A woman who grew up in a fractured family tries to find the courage to confront the past.