During this period, he worked to improve the often fractious relations between the Quebec government and Cree communities in northern Quebec.
On top of the fractious relations with his faculty, Leavitt also found himself serving during a "severe economic depression."
That last point is important because United's adoption of its employee stock ownership plan in July 1994 has not eliminated a reputation for fractious labor-management relations.
But fractious relations among the local board members severely hampered their ability to work with the central board and neighboring districts to deal with these problems.
What the plan did not take into account were the increasingly fractious relations among three of the four Beatles.
So are the endless gambling and drinking exploits that punctuated their life together, and Saroyan's enormously fractious relations with his two children.
As mayor, he strongly emphasized education and worked to improve previously fractious relations with the kibbutzim in the area.
As is perhaps inevitable, Lewis falls in love with Valentina, a flamboyant 41-year-old, a passion only reinforced by his mother's increasingly fractious relations with her employer.
And even though Mr. Cuomo was around a lot, he often had fractious relations with the Legislature.
The fractious relations with Mrs. Pilkington were published.