Dividing both sides by the fractional change in and taking the limit yields:
The volatility of the world's money has also increased activity at currency trading desks, where billions of dollars change hands on fractional changes in values.
"Any fractional change, not because of patriotism but because the manufacturers' earned it, is mind-blowing," he says.
This is a tiny fractional change - just 20 parts in a million - but one that occurs consistently.
The trace of the strain tensor () is just the fractional change in volume so that the above reduces to as it should.
Thus, over one transport mean free path, the fractional change in current density is much less than unity.
Using the second assumption of diffusion theory, we note that the fractional change in current density over one transport mean free path is negligible.
Specifically, it measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at a constant pressure.
It is the fractional change in area per degree of temperature change.
"Betrayal," which demands fractional changes of emphasis in expression that speak volumes, proved perfect for translation into film.