Little is known of his childhood, aside from the fact that he was not wealthy and achieved only a fourth-grade education.
The women have not attended school at all, and the men have no more than a fourth-grade education.
But these may be women with graduate degrees as well as women with a fourth-grade education.
But Hasina, in contrast with most girls who are trafficked into brothels, had a fourth-grade education and was literate.
She has a fourth-grade education.
Mr. Rangasamy himself has no more than a fourth-grade education and speaks not a word of English.
In the 1950's, you were talking about people with a fourth-grade education; by the 1980's, maybe a 10th-grade education.
"With a fourth-grade education, you can do nothing," she said.
The show's producers were impressed with her, since she had only a fourth-grade education.
His father, Nikolai Yakovlev, received a fourth-grade education at a Russian Orthodox church school.