A fourth-generation farmer, he earned a reputation as a strong advocate for farmers and agricultural issues, education and tax reform.
They are third- and fourth-generation farmers, hard-nosed and pragmatic: if grapes and wine don't make it, out they go.
"It takes labor to compensate for nature," said Linda O'Connell, a fourth-generation farmer.
"I'm past worried," said Mr. Kessman, a fourth-generation farmer who has been working round the clock to irrigate his fields.
The Rottkamp brothers, Ray and Richard, are fourth-generation farmers.
Mr. Nilmeier has yet to fire a shot since putting up his new night light, but thieves be warned: this fourth-generation farmer has had enough.
He is a fourth-generation farmer on land once planted with potatoes but now home to 11 cows, mostly Jerseys, and a few Thanksgiving turkeys.
Boyd is a fourth-generation farmer.
Mr. Gasal, a fourth-generation farmer, seems to be one of them.
Mr. Lown, 70, a fourth-generation farmer, is ready to retire and his son and daughter have no interest in farming.