"We have a four-team race going on here."
Davey Johnson wouldn't exactly call it a drive or a comeback or a leap into the homestretch of a four-team race in the National League's East.
St. Louis started the season with nine straight wins and continued to hang tough in a four-team race with Detroit, Boston, and New York.
Based on those series, both divisions figure to provide close, possible four-team races, if not excessively talented baseball.
So watch Ray Lankford lead the Cardinals to the top in what could be a four-team race.
But it's still a four-team race, and they're definitely not out of it.
Baseball probably doesn't deserve this, but the lucky dogs have gotten themselves a four-team race in the eastern division that will be hard to unscramble.
The season developed into a four-team race, with a seven point gap atr the end of the season between fourth and fifth.
It has also wrecked what briefly was an exciting four-team race.
Despite his team's performance, Baylor believes the Dodgers still have "the team to beat" in what he further believes will continue to be a four-team race.