In the diagramed deal he held the West cards and defended a four-spade contract.
The result was a four-spade contract with a four-three fit.
He found himself in an optimistic four-spade contract after East had doubled the opening bid of one club.
North accepted the invitation, and the result was an optimistic four-spade contract.
On the diagramed deal they brought home a four-spade contract that many pairs did not reach.
The result was an abnormal four-spade contract with a 4-2 fit.
His four-spade contract, reached after West had opened the bidding, was a shaky proposition.
A trump was led against his four-spade contract, making it clear that West did not have both top clubs.
A diamond was led against the normal four-spade contract, and South won with dummy's ace.
On the diagramed deal from the final both teams reached a shaky four-spade contract.