The room was furnished with a long, narrow table, two low couches, and several short, four-legged stools with padded, oddly shaped seats.
Tom is moving so fast, he runs into the wall and turns into a four-legged stool.
What was once a four-legged stool is now balancing on three.
It is typically a short, wide, four-legged stool with a padded top, upholstered in a fabric or animal hide, such as leather.
Already having spoken to his players about the Battle of Midway, Frank entered the locker room before Wednesday night's game with a four-legged stool.
Hyel sets a rough-sawn, four-legged stool by the table.
Haskins was known for sitting on a four-legged stool at Minnesota home games.
There were two narrow beds, a very small table that fit into a corner, and a four-legged stool to sit on.
A four-legged stool was placed near it.
One of his associates handed him an ordinary four-legged wooden stool, which he positioned in the precise centre of the gazebo.