Jonathan Paul Dent, 29, became lost during a four-hour walk through Tasmania's Dial Range on April 19, 2011.
The elder Mr. Hekmati set off for help and after a four-hour walk north reached the front lines of Ismail Khan's own troops, who arranged a rescue.
Once a week, on a Monday, the monks take a Spatiamentum, which is a four-hour extended walk.
The next morning, it was another five-hour drive, right to the end of the road, to the place beyond which cars cannot go, before a four-hour walk up to our first village.
A participatory event on the north Norfolk coast in August; a variety of sculptural forms and spaces intersperse the route of a four-hour walk.
His anxieties and a four-hour walk in the woods with Sigmund Freud opened the doors to post-Freudian analysis of his music.
From sea loch to summit is approximately a four-hour walk.
The golfers shook hands, Mickelson hit first, Singh second, and they were on their way to a four-hour walk together.
It was a four-hour walk, along half-remembered trails and down a weed-grown, winding stretch of two-lane blacktop.
His fruit plantation had been a good four-hour walk from the village, and he was used to visiting it alone.